
Your newborn session can take place in my studio or at your home. The most common choice for parents is in-home. It can sometimes be easier for mom, dad and any other children in the family. You don't have to worry about going anywhere and siblings can pop in for a few pictures and then relax at home when they're not in the picture. However, some parents don't want to worry about cleaning, are in temporary housing (for example during a renovation) or simply love the clean, white studio backdrop and choose a studio session. Either option is great! My general shot list includes: pictures of the whole family, baby with parents, baby with mom, baby with dad, baby alone, baby with any siblings and nursery details (if in-home). 

Preparing Your Home

In-home, I generally use the master bedroom and baby's nursery. Please do NOT feel the need to clean your entire house before the session. The two things you will want to do in your master are clear off the nightstands and make your bed. In the nursery, a clean sheet on the crib is great. Move laundry, toys, and baby accessories to one corner of the room and make things "picture clean." I like to take pictures of mom in the rocker or glider in the nursery (if one is present) so clearing the space around the glider is helpful as well.

What to bring/have ready

If baby has a special blanket or you have an heirloom item or other special item you would like incorporated into your images, please bring them to the studio or have them ready at your in-home session. I love including special items for baby. I provide white wraps for my newborn sessions.

Timing & Scheduling

After your deposit & contract are completed, I will put your due date on my calendar. We will set a definitive session date after baby has made their debut and is ready for discharge. You can simply text or email to let me know baby has arrived and I will send you a few dates to consider.

Newborn sessions take place at 9:30am on a weekday, about a week or two after baby's birth or hospital discharge. The session will last about an hour or so, depending on how many breaks baby needs for diapers and feeding.

Once your deposit and contract are complete, I will put your due date on my calendar. We will set a definitive session date after baby has made their debut and is ready for discharge. You can simply text or email to let me know baby has arrived and I will send you a few dates to consider. Don't worry if baby is "late" or "early" or needs some extra time in the hospital. I limit the number of newborn sessions I photograph each month so that I have the flexibility that newborn schedules require.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I look forward to documenting this special time for your family. ~Danielle